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you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake
Insomnia, it is really haunting me this week, like insanely! I can't sleep, can't get to sleep, and feel zombie like. I really do feel like Edward Norton in Fight Club, and I am sure Tyler Durden is just around the corner with Project Mayhem.
I can't really put my finger on what causes it, maybe its my awful bed?? Maybe I'm cursed?? Maybe I am slowly turning into a vampire??
When the weekend rolls by, it might go away? I really just have no idea, and I guess I am going to spend the rest of the week looking like an awesome zombie.
Used to get insomnia every now and then. All I really could do was wear myself out (go for a walk, exercise, whatever) and get as comfortable as I could.
Or just watch the movie "Insomnia."
Mr or Miss Anonymous, yes I do that stuff too but nothing seems to work.
Hmm the film Insomnia will put me to sleep????
It'd put anyone to sleep.
Oooooo one mystery solved, its a Mr!!!!
I honestly don't remember the film!!!
How many mysteries are there?
It's actually a decent movie, but the pacing is so goddamn slow, I was conking out in the theatre.
Well, who you are hahaha!!! That is the question!
All the insomnia talk, I gotta watch Fight Club
I'm pretty sure I kinda gave myself away a while ago, though you don't know me.
If you watch Fight Club you'll stay up watching it. Insomnia is the cure to your...yeah.
You gave yourself away???? Where????
Yes but I wanna watch Fight Club and stay up for it!
Well I can't now, it's fun this way.
I'm just trying to help you get some sleep. Go on and stay awake watching movies you silly girl.
Arg this is gonna haunt me now, and that wont cure my insomnia!!!
Oh I'll watch Fight Club at a good time, I'll likely just be wide awake in bed when it is bed time. I'll have Tyler Durden sitting next to me whispering about Project Mayhem
Oh what have I done!!
Reveal yourself!!! Or you'll be directly responsible for my insomnia :p
I dunno, I do enjoy being responsible for things. Maybe I'll go watch Fight Club too.
Yeah but the insomnia needs to be cured! Fight Club is on the menu for this evening for sure.
So what about your insomnia?
It needs a cure and this mystery aint gonna help
Ehh, shouldn't let it bother you that much.
Ehhhhhh you're right, but I don't like unsolved mysteries :P
Ah you found me out. I'm Robert Stack, host of Unsolved Mysteries.
No that isn't accurate!!
Stop being soooo .... anonymous!
I can't help if I'm good at something. :(
Surely you're good at other things???
Like what?
I don't know, you tell me! You know aside from being oh soo anonymous and all.
Oh you want to get to know me?
Yes, what are you good at anonymous???
Writing for hours on someone's blog. Which, I admit, has been better than trying to watch Godzilla Final Wars.
Why in the world are you trying to watch that?? And hello, writing for hours on THIS blog is ultra cool!
I agree, this is the best blog I've ever written on.
Other than my own, of course.
Why thank ya! Spread the word, SuperBlog = SuperAwesome :p
Oh yes you're own blog, which I've advertised ... right
Well I quite like my little blog. In fact I'll pimp my latest on the more interesting documentaries that have come out lately.
I did see that posting but I haven't read it yet, all this back and forth commenting has pre-occupied me!
Yay! Now after 183 replies, aren't you glad you figured out who it is!
Yes, yes I am! But I always had an idea who you were! (Okay maybe not entirely) So whens the new Radness due out???
An idea? Could've said something a long time ago, heh.
Ahh, good question. I leave it up to my better half since it's his place we use and I don't want to be pushy.
Haha yeah but it was more fun this way!
I still say you guys need to do No Holds Barred. Or one of the awesome films I mentioned in my podcast, a martial arts or Ninja film.
No Holds Barred deserves it.
I dunno about ninja movies, I'm picky about those and dunno if he likes em at all. Maybe Ninja Turtles 3.
Ninja films starring Sho Kosugi are amazing, there aint anything like 'em!
Ooooo Turles 3 would be amazing for Radness, I gotta watch that again. I recently got Pt 2 and Pt 3, gotta watch 'em. I watch the first one wayyyy too much, Casey Jones = Awesome
He is! When the film came out I wanted to marry him, and I wanted Michaelangelo to be my BFF
You ARE crazy.
See, told ya! But hey when the film came out I was like 6 years old :p
A crazy, socially disturbed six-year old.
Hahaha! I've come along way since then, now I'm just a crazed 24 year old.
Meds are good aren't they?
Yes, when I remember to take em! And I am not sure if I did that today!! Ahhh, where's my meds???
Oh these were yours? Shiiiii...
OOOOOO you took my meds???? Are you flying high right now??
Good stuff innit
Aye! Purple monkey dishwasher!
I don't think people will understand how these blog updates got over 50 completely unrelated replies.
"I see you've played knifey spoony before"
Ahh now you see the greatness of SuperBlog ;)
Clearly I've had Superblog all wrong all these years.
Yes, now you can see how awesome it is and how amazing I am!
You are quite high on yourself.
I'm just hiiiiigh.
We almost hit 60 replies, what a shame.
Well someone's gotta show Marcey some love, even if that is Marcey.
We will hit 60 replies, hardcore!!!!
60, I win.
oOooOOoOoo you get a gold star! I'll um .. send it in the mail
Gold star?? I love you! I love gold stars! I've kept every gold star I've had since grade school.
I have 4. :(
63, I still win.
Only 4 gold stars, awwww, I send you some then. Lets get more and more comments!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone else even see these?
Cuz 65 comments from two people seems a bit much.
Haha! Yes, my blog is quite popular actually :p
Ask them! I get comments via twitter, myspace, facebook, IM's or emails lol but not many (until now) via the blog
Its okay, I'm you're number 1 fan anyways
....only fan. But that matters!
What else am I???
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